1. The objectives for this Association shall be to foster a cooperative relationship among the parents, teachers and the administration; promote educational excellence; provide an open forum for the questions affecting Travell School or the Ridgewood Public Schools and recommend actions; and raise funds to be used for enrichment.
2. This Association shall be nonprofit, nonsectarian and nonpolitical. It shall not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, or national origin.
3. The name of this Association and officers in their official capacities shall be used solely for those activities which relate to the Association’s objectives.
1. Every parent or legal guardian of any student enrolled in the Travell School and every teacher and administrator of the Travell School is a member of the Association.
2. The Association Board may recommend and approve the collection of dues from all members of the Association. Failure to pay such dues shall not bar any member from membership or from voting privileges.
3. All parents are encouraged to attend the Home & School Association general meetings. Meeting dates and times are listed on the Travell School calendar and website (PDF).
HSA General Meetings 2024-2025
Friday, September 20th @ 9am
Thursday, October 24th @ 7pm
Friday, January 10th @ 9am
Thursday, April 10th @ 7pm
Friday, May 9th @ 9am
Please note details are subject to change.